首頁 > 技術(shù)文章 > 瓊脂糖預(yù)染預(yù)制膠說明書


 更新時間:2023-12-13 點擊量:569


*Shipping and Storage
瓊脂糖預(yù)染預(yù)制膠電泳試劑盒的小黑盒 2~8℃保存和運輸,有效期 12 個月。
Ship and store the kit at 2~8℃. It will remain stable for one year.
專適 6×DNA Loading Buffer 2~8℃運輸,長期需要-20℃保存,有效期 12 個月。
Ship Optimized 6×DNA loading buffer at 2~8℃,for short-time storage and at -20℃ for long-time storage. It will remain stable for one year.
TAE 速溶顆粒 2~8℃或常溫運輸,常溫保存,有效期 24 個月。
Ship TAE Instant Granule at 2~8℃ or room temperature and store at room temperature. It will remain stable for two years.
專適 Marker 2~8℃運輸,長期需要-20℃保存,有效期 12 個月。
Ship Optimized Marker at 2~8℃ and store it at -20°C for long-time storage. It will remain stable for one year.
*Reagents Required But Not Provided
Nucleic acid sample and Deionized water
1.量取約 600ml 的蒸餾水加入燒杯,并放置一個磁性攪拌子于燒杯中。將燒杯置于磁力攪拌器上,慢慢加入 1 袋 TAE 速溶顆粒的全部內(nèi)容物,攪拌溶液直至
溶解。把燒杯中的溶液倒入 1000ml 的容量瓶中,再加入蒸餾水,定容至 1000ml,即為 1×TAE 溶液。
1. Add one pouch of TAE Instant Granule into the cleaned beaker, dissolved completely with 600 ml distilled water under a magnetic stirrer. Pour the solution into 1L flask. Add distilled water to the
solution until the total volume is 1L. The final solution is 1×TAE buffer.
2. Take out one kit, take off the plastic package, reverse it, support the two edges with index and middle fingers of both hands, immerse it in the buffer with the opening downward and gently press the
central part of the kit with two thumbs. Thus the gel will fall into the buffer with the side of the well upward. Move the gel to make the well end close to negative electrode of the electrophoresis cell. If
bubbles are produced in the sample wells, try to remove them.
3.按 5:1 的比例取適量核酸樣品和專適 6×DNA Loading Buffer 混勻,用移液器將專適 Marker 和樣品混合液依次緩慢加入被浸沒的凝膠加樣孔內(nèi)。
3. Mix Optimized 6×DNA loading buffer and DNA sample at a volume ratio of 1:5. Carefully load prepared Marker and the mixed sample into the wells with pipette successively.
4.接通電源,紅色為正極,黑色為負(fù)極,切記 DNA 樣品由負(fù)極往正極泳動(靠近加樣孔的一端為負(fù))。
4. Connect the electrophoresis cell to the power source according to the conventions: Red-Anode and Black-Cathode. Turn on the power source. Note that the DNA sample moves from the negative to
the positive (the end near the wells that DNA samples are loaded in is negative).
5. Determine whether to stop electrophoresis according to the migration of the tracking dyes.
6.電泳完畢,關(guān)閉電源,用凝膠成像儀觀察電泳條帶及其位置,與 Marker 比較擴增產(chǎn)物的大小。
6. Switch off the power source when the electrophoresis finishes. Visualize the band by using a gel documentation system and compare the size of the amplified product with that of Marker

